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Learning is Fun!

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On today’s occasion of teacher’s day, I would like to write about one of the greatest Physicists, and more importantly A great Teacher, Dr.Richard Feynman.

Feynman was an american physicist who was not only famous for his work on the Manhattan project but was widely known for his fun way of teaching. He worked with other physicists like Robert Openheimer during the war to create the Nuclear warhead which would be deployed against Japan. He also was conferred the Nobel Prize for his work in the field of quantum electrodynamics with two other physicists. He also wrote two famous autobiographies namely, “Are you joking Mr. Feynman?” and “What do you Care What other people think”, Both of which are amazing reads and would recommend them to you all.

But, Enough about his Achievements. Let’s talk about what made him a great teacher. He was famous for explaining most difficult and abstract concepts in a very easy and understandable way to everyone including children, students and even his own colleagues. He taught at famous universities like Cornell and Caltech and also gave lectures at several other colleges. Even while continuing his research, he still used to teach as he felt it was a refreshing activity. He believed that to gain complete mastery over a concept or subject, one has to teach other people about it. In fact, This technique of learning was named after him.

Now, Let us discuss how we can use the “Feynman Technique” to improve the way we learn. There are 4 simple steps to it. They are:

1.Select a topic or concept you want to learn
2.Break it down into simpler or smaller parts
3.Try teaching it to someone younger than you or pretend to teach someone
4.Find the Gaps in your explanation and revisit the concept/topic again
5.Repeat steps 1-4 until you gain complete mastery over the topic

And as Dr.Feynman always said, learning is fun, and hence don’t forget to enjoy your learning. By following these simple steps, you can make learning anything new fun and easy. I hope that this learning technique will help you in your life. I believe that Dr. Feynman has shown us that no concept is too difficult to learn for any person of any age through his teaching and hence leave your apprehensions behind and enjoy your learning and become masters of the Subject.

Happy learning and Happy Teachers Day to all!

SS Karthik
Writer and Web developer
Philomath Team
